Custom Development

All-purpose software to help your business grow

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Programming Services

We provide all kind of programming services, our highly experienced development team is ready to help! We make all kinds of applications, including desktop programs, mobile applications or web applications to suit your business.

Web application

A good interactive web-application will help users do their work easier and make your business stronger. We create all kinds of web-applications for business', e-commerce, or improve any existing applications.

C#, PHP, .NET Framework, .NET core, Java, Delphi
HTML5, CSS3, javascript, jQuery, Ionic, Angular, ReactJS, KnockoutJS, Bootstrap

Software development

We use .NET Core to create software that can be used on many platforms including mobile applications. With powerful and scalable tools we will produce a solution for all your needs!

C, C++, C#, Java, Delphi
MSSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle


We choose the best top standards and techniques to make your application work like a charm. You do not even have to know how it is done!

Agile project lead

We have project leaders very knowledgable about agile scrum development to help making any project smooth and up to your standards!